You can become an Angel by making a donation to the Garden Club. The objective of the Angel program is to accept, monitor and promote large donations to meet club objectives and for long-term upkeep, renovations and modernization of the clubhouse and gardens.
The levels of giving are:
Perennial – $5000 plus
Orange Blossom – $1000 to $4999
Violet - $500 to $999
Rose - $200 to $499.
Donations are 100% tax deductible since the BRGC is a 501(c)3 organization. Any size donation is welcome. Members, friends and families often donate in memory of, to honor someone or as a gift for a birthday, anniversary, a job well done! The Angel committee encourages unrestricted donations so that the club can determine where best to use the funds.
Here's how to secure your wings!
THANK YOU from the Angel committee to everyone who has made a donation, large or small! The Boca Raton Garden Club is a club worthy of your generosity.
Interested in becoming a BRGC Gardening Angel? We encourage giving at all levels. Contact us today